Smiles in London, York and Liverpool rated best


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Dental Tribune International

By Dental Tribune International

Thu. 19. May 2016


LONDON, UK: Brits may not like to show their smiles very often, according to research, but when it comes to ranking them, most consider Londoners, Yorkers and Liverpudlians to have the nicest smiles. All three cities scored highest in a recent poll commissioned by the Oral Health Foundation as part of National Smile Month.

Overall, the foundation asked 2,000 Brits where they thought the best smiles in Britain are, out of 45 of the country’s most populous urban areas. While the capital and the two northern cities came out top, smiles in Salford, Wolverhampton and Lichfield were rated significantly lower.

“London may have a reputation for being a place that is very short on smiles but this couldn’t be further from the truth,” remarked Chief Executive of the Oral Health Foundation Dr Nigel Carter, OBE, on the poll. “It shows that quantity is not always related to quality and when London residents do choose to smile their grins are showing the rest of the country the way forward.”

The survey findings were released on the first day of National Smile Month, the UK’s largest and longest running charity campaign initiative. Celebrated this year for the 40th time and held until 16 June, it is aimed at increasing awareness of the importance of oral health by highlighting key messages, such as the benefits of regular toothbrushing and visiting a dentist in order to develop and maintain a healthy mouth.

Thousands of individuals and organisations take part in the initiative every year.

“A simple smile can make others around you feel at ease. It is highly contagious and plays such an important role in our lives that we should make our oral health top priority,” Carter added. “It is an incredibly powerful tool and worth remembering it is one we all possess.”

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