Integrate to innovate: 18th Indian Prosthodontics Society convention

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Integrate to innovate: 18th Indian Prosthodontics Society convention

Moments from the 18th Indian Prosthodontics Society's post graduate convention, Bangalore
DT South Asia

DT South Asia

Mon. 22 August 2016


The Indian Prosthodontics Society’s Post graduate convention is an annual event that brings together post graduate students and their teachers from across the country. The event was a scientific extravaganza with new platforms for scientific exchange. The convention had young eager minds attending the convention to address the urgent need of the Indian dental industry to Innovate. Brimming with the new found love for home grown scientific ideas and backed by “make in India “ drive, the convention organizing committee members urged the students and their teachers to use this platform for a greater learning experience. This year’s theme for the convention was ‘integrate to innovate’.

Greetings from the scientific committee of the 18th Indian Prosthodontic Society’s (IPS) Post graduate (PG) convention. We were delighted to host the 18th PG convention in the IT City of India, Bengaluru and hope it made a memorable experience
We bring to you this scientific extravaganza in sync with the theme of this convention “Integrate to Innovate”. Here we have worked towards a novel manifesto, to enrich young minds towards exceptional proficiency.

24th June, 2016.
The scientific deliberation started with the buzzing enthusiasm and participation of students in the preconvention courses. There were in all fifteen preconvention courses. This was followed by free paper presentations by the post graduate students.

We had a total of 349 paper presentations. This was followed by the TM Udani Oration lecture delivered by Professor Dr Mahendranath Reddy. The event was inaugurated by                       Smt. D K Satyaprabha Audikesavulu, MLA Chitoor Constituency, Chairperson of Vydehi Group of Institutions, under the patronage of Dr M C Sudhakar, Ex MLA Chintamani Constituency and       Dr D P Narayan, Principal Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences.

The convention was graced by the presence of Dr Jayakar Shetty, Vice President Dental Council of India, who was the Guest of Honour, and Dr S Kantha, Advisor, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences, Dr Himanshu Aeran President IPS and Dr Rangarajan Organising Secretary/Treasurer IPS,Dr Shilpa Shetty, Organising Chairperson, welcomed the delegates and students to the convention, along with Dr Suneetha Rao Organising Co-Chairperson, Dr Anandakrishna G N, Organising Secretary, Dr Venkateshwara A Reddy, Joint Organising Secretary and other senior faculty members and office bearers of the Indian Prosthodontic Society.

25th June, 2016 & 26th June, 2016
The scientific forum introduced the theme based Keynote addresses by eminent speakers on Technology driven prosthodontics, TMJ and Gnathology, Facial aesthetics and Implantology.
Distinguished speakers, many of whom are considered icons in their field, shared the podium. Dr Harsh Arya , Dr Puneet Katuria, Dr Shivshankar for the Technology driven Prosthodontics, Dr Chethan Hegde, Dr Sabitha Ram, Dr Sharath Shetty on TMJ and Gnathology, Dr Samuel Lee, Dr Mohit Kheur and Dr Rajesh Sthuraman on Implantology, Dr Ivona Igerc , Dr Paresh Gandhi, Dr Vivek Chokse on Facial aesthetics.

The theme keynote addresses were followed by a panel discussion with successful questionnaire with the chairpersons like Professor emeritus Dr EGR Solomon, Dr Shridhar Shetty, Dr Suhasini Nagda, Dr Meena Urs, Dr Soorya Poduval and the audiences.

The scientific sessions gave an opportunity for the budding talents to present their papers, posters and table clinics as part of the curriculum. We had an admirable competition for students to exhibit their talents through ‘Clinical Photography’ wherein the critical evaluation of the treatment planning was assessed on the collage of photographs.

This forum also introduced the “Best case, Worst Case” section, a podium to put forth the best and worst outcome of different cases we encounter in clinical practice to enable the student to think ‘Out Of the Box’. We had clinicians like Dr Omkar Shetty, Dr Sarfaraz, Dr Anandakrishna, Dr Rakshith Hegde, Dr Sanketh Reddy discussing the dos and don’ts of different clinical scenarios.

The Scientific podium also brought about the “Clinical Controversies” to discuss and disengage the controversies in literature and clinical experience by the stalwarts in the subject to present their views on the different schools of thought. Dr. Kamaleshwr Singh, Dr. Kaushal Agarwal, Dr. Kamal Shigli, Dr. Gopichander, Dr. Kashinath spoke on Implant Loading, efficacy of splints and Full mouth rehab techniques respectively.

Trending this time at the convention was the theme of “Gurushishya". This platform was designed to give students to participate and indulge in a dialogue to put forth their ideas with their respective teachers. We had a total of sixteen successful sessions.

The most apt and brilliant proposition made to this theme was the introduction of the Innovation & Entrepreurnership Symposium. We had a lot of entries out of which five were selected to be presented and was well acknowledged and the best three innovations won the prizes.

Simultaneously we had organized the poster and table clinic sessions which saw an excellent spread of science and technology. We had a total of 175 posters 85 table clinics.

The three day event was successful in its primary objective of creating a scientific exchange forum for the development of the specialty. The convention concluded with the valedictory function. Post graduate students were awarded for their achievements and gratification to all the members who worked towards this convention

We hope the inception put forth in this convention by us will be constructive and informative to all the post graduate students in years to come.



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