Dentist leads fights against pandemic drug abuse

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Dentist leads fights against pandemic drug abuse

Dr. Bernard Fialkoff speaks at the Drug Free World Interfaith Seminar at Brooklyn Borough Hall. (Photo: Provided by Dr. Bernard Fialkoff)
Dental Tribune USA

Dental Tribune USA

Tue. 9 August 2016


BROOKLYN, N.Y., USA: Dr. Bernard Fialkoff, a periodontist and dental implant surgeon from Bayside, N.Y., and president and founding sponsor of Foundation for A Drug Free World of The Americas Chapter, held an interfaith seminar recently on “Effective Drug Tools” with Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams. They educated religious leaders from all walks of life at the workshop.

Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and other religious leaders learned effective drug education tools that they will put into immediate use to assist their communities in the drug epidemic. Pastor Gilford Monrose of the Brooklyn Borough President’s Office also presented, along with Assemblywoman Latrice Monique Walker, Bishop Orlando Findlayter, Rev. Massimo Parrino and Bishop Dr. Lubin Moise, also a Drug Free World Ambassador.

As president of the chapter, Fialkoff planned the convention that brought together like-minded community individuals and government officials, armed each with materials and media, and created a community educational plan for 2016-17. According to the New York Daily News, “Smack is back big time in the Big Apple, where fatal overdoses outnumber homicides and law enforcement seized roughly $300 million worth of heroin in 2014. In the first quarter of 2015, the DEA alone has already taken nearly 220 pounds of smack off the streets. ‘We’ve never seen these numbers, not even in the heroin epidemics from 30 to 40 years ago,’ said James Hunt, special agent in charge of the DEA’s New York Field Division.”

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The message of Fialkoff’s convention was dedicated to a pre-emptive educational approach to this ever burgeoning development of drug abuse in the USA and around the world.

Fialkoff said, “It is important to share the knowledge we have gained as adults with our children. They are the future generation and can be helped to avoid problems that we went through in our lives. As a doctor, one of our roles is to help our community, and that’s why I support the Drug Free World initiatives.”

Borough President Adams declared June 21 the Foundation for a Drug-Free World Day in Brooklyn and presented a proclamation to Fialkoff that states, “I salute the Foundation for a Drug Free World for disseminating their information to 100,000 teenagers and to more than 2000 police officers in New York City who are aware of the dangers associated with drug abuse through the Foundation’s educational program.”

Fialkoff sponsors the humanitarian youth outreach and educational program Foundation for a Drug Free World. Through his office’s sponsorship, more than 1,100 free drug education events have been conducted at schools, after-schools and other community sites throughout New York City, New Jersey and Latin America, where multitudes of our youth and kids have been safeguarded from the ravages of drugs. Fialkoff’s mission is to safeguard our community, our families and our youth through his sponsorship of the anti-drug education program. Those who wish to help sponsor these programs or volunteer may contact Fialkoff via email, at

About the office of Dr. Bernard Fialkoff

Dr. Bernard Fialkoff has a periodontal, dental implant and cosmetic laser surgery office for more than 34 years on 56-03 214th St. in Bayside, N.Y. Fialkoff founded the Fialkoff Dental Study Club in the mid ’90s, which educates dentists at monthly meetings. He also sponsors numerous oral health care events throughout New York City, and through his role in the Drug Free World program he has sponsored more than 1,100 free events since 2007. The office web site is and Facebook page is

About Foundation for a Drug Free World

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World the Americas Chapter is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. The Truth About Drugs campaign consists of activities that people can join which popularize drug-free living. Through a worldwide network of volunteers and working with more than 800 police, government, and community partners and alliances, 62 million educational booklets have been distributed, tens of thousands of drug awareness events have been held, and public service announcements have reached more than 260 million viewers in 123 countries. More information is available online, at

(Source: Dr. Bernard Fialkoff)


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