More to explore at the Nobel Biocare Global Symposium

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More to explore at the Nobel Biocare Global Symposium

Hands-on session at the Nobel Biocare Global Symposium (Photograph: Claudia Duschek, DTI)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Sat. 25 June 2016


NEW YORK, USA; The program of this year’s Nobel Biocare Global Symposium was designed to fit the needs of each and every individual participant. While the general sessions provide attendees with an idea of one of the themes evolving around Nobel Biocare’s product solutions addressed at this conference—treatment refi nement, excellence in esthetics and challenging clinical situations—the master classes educate those who are interested in delving further into these themes.

Those who want to learn even more can join hands-on courses, many of which have sold out already, and learn how to use the products.

On Thursday and Friday, attendees had the opportunity to gain practical knowledge of the All-on-4 treatment concept protocol by drilling and testing components on models and learning what to consider in order to optimize provisional restorations and outcomes. Under the supervision of well-known opinion leaders in the fi eld, they also tested protocols and products for optimal implant positioning and reviewed surgical and prosthetic paths to successful restoration. Other courses focused on guided surgery and bone grafting as well as digital technologies. Participants also got detailed insights into the benefi ts of Nobel’s diagnostic and planning tool for advanced patient cases and learned how the company’s digital solutions help them in more challenging patient cases.

After lectures, master classes and hands-on sessions, the first and second days of the 2016 Nobel Biocare Global Symposium each culminated at two fabulous receptions. The Friday cocktail reception was hosted in the symposium exhibition area in the historical rooms of the Waldorf Astoria hotel. The second evening was hosted at an even more unique location, the famous New York Public Library, which is known worldwide through various blockbuster movies. The receptions provided a perfect opportunity for participants to network with their peers from around the world and enjoy food and drinks. Also on display were Nobel Biocare’s innovative products.

Until Sunday, participants of the event can look forward to more exciting sessions, including several special forums, such as the Partnering for life forum today, at which participants will gain insights to help improve business and increase patient fl ow with tailored tools and support. To end the Nobel Biocare Global Symposium, a whole-day forum will be dedicated to compromised patient cases on Sunday. The session will inform participants about the factors that have to be considered for accurate treatment planning and execution, meeting patient demands and lasting results.

The full program can be accessed at

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