“New Horizon in Dentistry” is the theme of this year’s programme. HKIDEAS is designed in an interdisciplinary manner with a multitude of tracks to choose from every segment and provides you with a unique opportunity to meet up with peers from both industries belonging to Dental Health, Oral Health Expertise and Academia. The strong scientific programme of HKIDEAS 2017 will cover the latest technologies in the various specialties in dentistry – from best clinical practices, to implantology as well as endodontics, periodontics and other areas of interest.
A comprehensive industry exhibition will be held alongside the Congress enabling delegate’s access to view the latest and sophisticated products and devices. It will provide an ideal platform for demonstration of advanced dental technology and innovation.
Hong Kong is widely recognized as the prime meeting destination in Asia. The city offers a wide range of interests that is worth exploring. We ensure you a wonderful travelling experience here.
Hong Kong Conventien and Exhibition Centre
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